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Blog Journal 4


  1. The grade level I selected from the list of ELA standards was 12th grade. The standard I chose was “Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.” This standard basically means that the teacher must present different kinds of media to the students in the classroom to be used in an educational way. I believe that I could implement this standard. Although I know of many educational tools already, luckily, there are many online sources and reference pages for different kinds of technological tools. If I were to combine my previous knowledge about how to use technology, and if I research new tools, I could implement information sharing in diverse ways. 


  1. The grade level I selected was 12th grade. The tool that I selected to use in my classroom is “SC.912.E.6.1” which is a resource on how to teach high school students about earth science, and the different layers of the earth. I would use this tool in my classroom because I believe that there are interesting and interactive ways to teach about the layers of the earth. For example, under the “student resources” tab, there is a short video series that seems enjoyable for students. I believe that using mixed media in the classroom can help students understand concepts because their personal style of learning can be targeted. Each student should be able to learn with the method of learning that is most comfortable for them, so when different kinds of media in the classroom are used, students can find a style of learning that suits them best and be successful because of it. 


  1. Being a proficient internet searcher is something that has been taught to me since a young age. In elementary school, I remember learning about “credible” sources of information, and which websites are reliable and which ones are not. When it comes to searching the internet as a teacher, it is extremely important that only credible, fact-checked, and safe websites are used to present information. Furthermore, learning to become a good internet searcher can open up tons of new opportunities to find new and interesting resources that can be used in the classroom. Of the internet searching tools I learned this week, the one that stood out to me the most was using filters on “advanced search” to sort through information. Often times I find myself scrolling through pages on google to find what I need, but using advanced search will help me going forward! 


  1. Hi Lindsey! I really enjoyed reading your post and I think the concept you introduced is very interesting. I too remember learning about tools to assess the credibility of a source from a young age. I feel as though there is so much value in this, as we must ensure the information we are consuming is accurate. This is especially important in college, where we are consistently asked to cite resources in order to complete assignments.

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    I really enjoyed how you dove deeply into the importance of specific concept in Earth Science, it is so vitally important for students to understand what they are learning and how it can impact them in the future. I also very much in tune with learning about how to tell if a source is credible because at a young age it is engrained into a child what a credible source is over something that is not credible.


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